Saturday, 15 October 2011

World WithOut Facebook.. :D

What will happen if  facebook goes down for someday... Just take a look below to get amazed....

world without facebook
How will be the world without Facebook ?
This was the question which was on top of the “How’s list” of my Mind from two days. Yes I was eager to know the answer for this questions from two days.
As soon as I came from college today (after Lab internals) I searched on Google for the answer(That is the thing which I do, to get answer for Most of the questions of my “How’s List”).
While I was surfing the world wide web through my beloved Google. I found the following statistics from singlegrain.
Thought to write about it in my blog, That’s how it came here in front of you now.
Click on the Image to Enlarge it >
facebook statistics

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