Sunday 2 October 2011

Super-Fast Mozilla Firefox 7.. Will it challenge Chorme ?

Mozilla Firefox has been a favored browser for many who are using Chrome now. One reason for me to move from Firefox to Chrome was its speed and relatively being light-weight on resources.
But lately, Chrome has often become a bit of a resource hog, while Firefox which keeps pulling out new released every few weeks has become lighter and a lot faster.
Firefox 7 is now available for download.

Features of Firefox 7

  • Firefox 7 claims to be use 20% to 30% less memory than its predecessors. That means the browser runs a lot smoothly even if many tabs are open.
  • It supports faster HTML5 animations along with many improvements to the speed of the browser.
  • It has news tools which will help developers create faster web apps that run on Firefox.
I am not certain if it will be able to stop Chrome’s growth but it will make current users very happy. Also recently Chrome browser has had some issues with management of resources. This might giveFirefox browser a good boost.

Download Firefox

Here are the links for download Firefox 7 on all platforms.
Do try out the latest version of Firefox and drop in your comments about it.

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