Wednesday 5 October 2011

Simply Find any Genuine Software or E book Via Google

hello guys so today
i will share you my ways to find Free E-books Online with some simple google dork !
so without wasting your time , just open
now for example we wanted to download an Ebook called
Hackers Underground Handbook 
so now if you simply search this word you will find it's official site

but if you use this simple dork: Hackers underground handbook 
Note::i'm just sharing that how it easy to find any Genuine eBooks or software for free on The internet so please buy this kind of software or Ebook legally . okay so after that you will get this kind of result :
okay now lets find the software called idm(internet download manager) :D idm

  so got it ?? 
you can also this dork :, or use your own , and yaah if you wanna find any eBook there is a very good site Called where you can find many useful eBooks so this is my way what's yours ? :D

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