Monday 26 September 2011

Windows 8 Devloper's Preview

Windows 8 as you all know is yet to be released in the public but its developer preview version is released and being downloaded by many geeks around the world to test the new ultimate windows.It is pretty cool OS... bt it also become more complicated for newbies....
. So for review first u can also download a good PDF review from a 3rd party site given in next post.....
This are some fav screenshots from WIN 8 devlopers preview..
Windows 8 Developer Preview ISO Image DownloadWindows 8 Developer Preview ISO Image Download
So you can download the official developer preview versions for Windows 8 from Microsoft's servers well there are 2 links divided by their Windows Versions 32 & 64 BIT, so click on the link according to your Windows version and your download will start automatically.


These are the ISO Files so after you download them you have to burn them to the Disc and than use the windows installing steps to install Windows 8 Developer Preview Version on your machine...

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