Monday 26 September 2011

Windows 8 Devloper's Preview Review

Get Windows 8 developers preview in a downloadable PDF file. Microsoft Windows 8 is beginning to develop, but we all do not know what to expect in the newer version of windows until late fall of next year. With Google release of the Chrome Book, I believe Microsoft will have to prove that Windows isn't a thing in the past, that Windows 8 is the
beginning of a new concept. Have you seen Windows 8 interface yet? It looks dramatically different from the windows 7 interface with new and better features as they say. If you are interested in taking a peek at the Windows 8 interface download the "Windows 8 Screenshot Tour.pdf" below.

Windows 8 Developer Preview

The Windows 8 developer preview is for developers who want to get a taste and feel of the interface. Download the pdf file (an article from HowToGeek) I've converted into a pdf for your viewing pleasure, so thanks to the HowToGeek Team for this magnificence post on Windows 8.(the review is from a third party site but checked by me that all r correct)

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