Monday 14 November 2011

Birth of our new site on 11.11.11 & at 11.11.11 am

Hey.....Sorry for late knowing...Bt we have created our whole new Website to extend our virtuality... As U know that our site is still in bita stage.... It will move to the ultimate v2 stage after completing our moving..... Bt dont worry even there was atleast a month to publish this site to the whole world... Bt what will happen to this site ?? we will see that matter later.....

But Do u know the most interesting thing ?

<<<<<< THE SITE BORN ON THE MAGIC TIME 11/11/11 at 11.11.11 am.. >>>>>>>

So is'nt it great ??? SO bye for now... Will Catch U up later.....

Sunday 13 November 2011

Happy Children Day

We are the future... The hope for a brighter tomorrow... We, the children of the world... Are symbols of promise... and potential Happy International children's Day!

Tata Docomo Rs 23 (1/2 p/sec)

Tata Docomo GSM today has launched Recharge coupon for its all existing customers in Tamilnadu.Circle
With RC 23 now call all local calls at 1/2ps/sec & STD calls at 1.2ps/sec for 60 days validity, Customer has do the recharge under the special menu to enjoy this benefit.

Detail of Tata Docomo RC 23:

MRP: Rs. 23
Talktime: 0
All local calls: 1/2 paisa per second
All STD calls: 1.2 paisa per second
Tariff validity: 60 days (2 months)

Other benefits of the tariff plan will remain the same. The offer period is from 5th Nov 2011.

For More details Call Tata Docomo Customer Care Number - 198

The Weakness of Google

Hi everyone!!I am clearly found of Google and I Love Google but as I was going deep and deep about Google I found some of its Negative points that is in research inside the Google to remove soon but it’s quite remarkable and noticeable so I would like to share it among you guys.
Google is No doubt is the king and providing the lots of sky space to the world and open source applications and lots more and telling you secretly my dream is Google. Yes I want to be the part of the world’s biggest programmer and serve the people around the world via Google.
So here are some of the weaknesses of Google that will be short out soon.

The Main Problems are---

  •     It Support the Boolean logic but Not all the logic it support only AND forced AND and OR Operators.
  •     Being the biggest Search Engine of the world it has indexed almost 170 billions of WebPages but the point is it only index only first 101 KB  of the text from a page text. But Yahoo! index around 500 KB of web page’s text.
  •     Although it does stem words, it doesn't allow for truncation. You can’t put in part of a word and get Google to “guess the rest”. Although if you misspell a word, or enter a strange word, it will often ask you if you really mean something else and take a guess as to what you might really be looking for.
  •     You cannot search Deep via Google for the same reason that’s the reason why some people need extra plug-in for searching the deep web
  •     Google Mostly consider only 10 word in the search previously but you will not face such obstacle Now.
  •     Google Consider the first word of the search quarry most important so- while searching it consider the most result from first word. So you can put the first word for making your search stronger

Change UR FB pro Pic to Video

Yes!! It is possible to replace your Facebook profile image with a video. Whenever a friend visits your profile, he will watch the video along with the playback sound. The video will run continuously till he stays on your profile page. Isn’t it great. Get ready to tell your friends that you are bit advanced with Facebook than them.

There is a Facebook application that do every thing to replace your Facebook profile image is a video.

Replacing The Facebook profile image with video

1. Go the the FlipYourProfile application page being logged in to your Facebook account.
2. Before connecting that Facebook app to your profile, to You need to install the Flip Video browser plugin which is available for Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari.
3. Connect your profile with that app and upload the video from your computer that you want to keep as the video of your profile. It also allows you to record a video for your profile. If you wish that, simply choose “Record from webcam”option and record a short video clip with your webcam and the background audio as well.
But, only the people who have the Flip Video browser plugin installed in their browser, will be able to see your profile video. Otherwise they will see the traditional Facebook profile image.
It is quite a tricky business from the company as they can imagine well that if you take time as well as the patience of recording or uploading a video for your Facebook profile, you will also pursue your friends to install the plugin too prove your uniqueness than others in Facebook.
Whenever any of your buddies view your profile, the video loop will be repeated infinitely till they satay there, but the background audio will be played once until the video loop completes the first period. After that the audio will be muted and the the video will still on its way. Though you can toggle the audio again.
No doubt that this make you smarter that your Facebook buddies who have not this in knowledge and overall you can represent yourself quite uniquely through your profile video.
***Note---Only U can see this and this is not confermed with new Timeline view

Saturday 12 November 2011

How to Block Website On Windows PC Without Using Any Software Programs

Block this site” my friend said when he was sitting on my laptop and instead of making the project ended up wasting the precious time on Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Myspace or other sites like YouTube and Metacafe. He was furious when he realized that all the time has been wasted and now he would be scolded for not submitting the project. This is really a bad situation, which makes us loose our important time, and with net work done zero.
Well this not the only reason we want to block the sites, in offices most times the employer doesn’t want their employee to spend time on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites. Sometimes parents  want to stop their underage children or siblings to access certain 18+ sites at home.

Here are the Steps on How To Block a Website.
Step 1. Go to ‘C’ drive or whatever is the name of your OS drive.
Step 2. Open up the ‘WINDOWS’ folder and then go to the ‘SYSTEM32’ folder.
Step 3. Select the ‘DRIVERS’ folder and then go to the ‘ETC’ folder.
Step 4. Or instead just open the RUN feature of windows from start menu or using the shortcut keys of win+R and put this address:- c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
Step 5. In this folder you will see many files, just select the ‘HOSTS’ file and view its properties.
Step 6. Under the security tab click the edit button that will open another pop window here select the ‘USERS’ you want to block the sites for and check all the options under the ‘PERMISSION for USERS’ heading, {modify, read and execute, read, write}.
Security Tab
Step 7. Click APPLY and then OK.
Step 8. Locate the ‘HOSTS’ file again and now open it with NOTEPAD.
Step 9. Go to the last line which would be localhost
Step 10. Add in the line beneath this line URL_of_the_website {without the http:// and www.}
Step 11. Like if you want to block twitter insert this line
Block a Website
Step 12. You are done just save the setting and the file. Now if you try to open those websites it will show error.
Now you must be wondering what happened with this tiny line, well now this line tells the browser to point the address to the IP which is your device only. Hence, you are unable to open the web address.
We as usual if something can be locked it can be opened, you just need to find the correct key. In this case, the correct key is removal of the lines you added and you would be able to surf the net easily and can again waste the time.....

Thursday 10 November 2011

How to delete a partition or a logical drive

Hey... Today I got my First E-mail from  user asking me that how to Delete A Partition Using CMD... I mean by Command Promt or DOS... So here is the method I am sharing with u...But I am sharing also a easy method which is by Easily Windows Interface... But CheckOut all the method also...

Using the Windows interface

  1. Open Computer Management (Local).
  2. In the console tree, click Computer Management (Local), click Storage, and then click Disk Management.
  3. Right-click the partition, logical drive, or basic volume you want to delete, and then click Delete Partition.

    If the menu item reads Delete Volume instead of Delete Partition, the volume is a dynamic volume. For instructions on how to delete a dynamic volume, see Related Topics.

Using a command line

  1. Open Command Prompt.
  2. Type:

  3. At the DISKPART prompt, type:

    list disk

    Make note of the disk number of the disk from which you want to delete the partition.
  4. At the DISKPART prompt, type:

    select diskn

    Select the disk n from which you want to delete the partition.
  5. At the DISKPART prompt, type:

    list partition

    Make note of the number of the partition that you want to delete.
  6. At the DISKPART prompt, type:

    select partitionn

    Select the partition n that you want to delete.
  7. At the DISKPART prompt, type:

    delete partition

U cannot getback any of the lost data... they are gone for alaways.....

If U Found any Error in this Process then Comment Here Quickly... I am alaways there for U...